Top 5 Worst Staff/Security At Wellington Venues

Have you ever had a bad night out purely because of security & staff being rude to you? Well, we have the perfect list for you to avoid any discrepancies. 

At number 5 on the list, we have The Grand. If you’ve ever been to The Grand then you’ll know that the venue itself is actually quite nice and can facilitate some good nights out. Unfortunately, it is situated bang in the middle of Courtney Place and attracts one of the worst crowds you can experience in Wellington. It is also right next to Splash Club the self-proclaimed “Wellington's answer to high-end escorts”  and The Mermaid Strip Club which acts as a home to some of the saddest middle-aged men in Wellington. Due to these factors, attending any event at The Grand is horrible. The staff are constantly stressed out and on edge because their regular clientele is the raggedy savages that lurk through Courtney Place weekend to weekend. Their security has dealt with so many assholes that they’ve become assholes themselves. 

At number 4 we have The Grand again. Why you ask? Purely because of how much anxiety one gets when they attend an event there. You’re supposed to enjoy yourself when going out on the weekends and lose yourself in the music. It’s almost impossible to do this at The Grand and even when you want to go outside for a cheeky dart, you’ll have three security guards breathing down your neck asking you what you’re smoking.

Yes, The Grand again. Do you ever just go to the toilet because you need to pee? Yes, you probably do… But when you’re at The Grand, the toilet transforms into a cesspool for sweaty students to “hang out” and shove anything up their noses.  Because of these antics, the security guards are constantly in and out of the toilets checking for any dodgy behaviour. Even if you know you haven’t done anything wrong you start to panic because a 6’5 security guard angrily stares at you while you try to pee. 

Yes, number 2 is the Grand. Surprise, surprise.

Why you ask? Why are The Grand’s staff and security so terrible? Well, when you work in a location where all the customers are wasted out of their minds, you start to go a bit crazy yourself. In a way, I feel sorry for the staff who work at The Grand, but that doesn’t change the fact that this entire list is dedicated to them.

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