INTERVIEW: "That's What They Said" With Openside


There’s room for everybody at the Something Something table so when our friends Openside told us they were coming down for a visit, not only did we wanna catch up with them, we wanted to catch up with you lot too! So we put the call out for Welly’s biggest Openside fan to ask them and the band a few questions ahead of Openside’s show at Caroline on Friday. We sat down with George, PJ and our new friend Libby, here’s how it went!

First some ice breakers:

Who are you?

George: This is the kind of question that could lead to an existential crisis, but I suppose the simple answer is: we’re Openside.

Libby: Libby!!!

Where are you from?

PJ: Auckland, New Zealand <3

Libby: Porirua, which is like 30 minutes from Wellington.

How are you Feeling?

George: Really good! Been really loving rehearsing for tour and playing together again, especially new songs like FCK U. We’re all super excited to kick this tour off.

PJ: Yes really excited for tour! Very excited to get back around our gorgeous country.

Libby: Feeling pretty hungry right now tbh.

What have you been Listening to?

George: Our pal NAVVY’s new song ‘Mad At You’, which we’re dying to see her play at our show this Friday.

PJ: Been listening to a lot of music pre 2000 recently, from No Doubt to Frank Sinatra, getting some new (well old) inspiration is refreshing!

Libby: Literally all of Carly Rae Jepsen’s discography.

Now let’s get into it!:

What did you do when you were 10 that would be weird to a 10 year old now?

George: Play the snake game on my mums Nokia.

PJ: Kid pix?

Libby: I feel like everything I did as a 10 year old was pretty weird, but current 10 year olds would be entirely baffled by how I memorised all my friends’ landlines.

If you could talk to animals and they could understand you, but you couldn’t understand them, what would you do with that power?

George: Enter a dog show to prove I have the most obedient dog ever.

PJ: Tell dogs chocolate ain’t good for em.

Libby: I would tell my cat I love him so very very much and can he please stop trying to eat plastic.

What was the last photo you took?

George: Unfortunately it was a photo of the fire in Auckland today. Very scary, hope everyone’s safe and sending love out to anyone that’s been affected.

PJ: A picture of the inside of my mouth to self diagnose any cavities I have.

Libby: Okay this is embarrassing but basically I got very drunk and put some glitter in my wine, so the photo is a snapchat selfie of me with a glass of glittery wine.

When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?

George: When cars had to drive on the ground.

PJ: I’m scared to think what’s gonna change by then but hopefully about how bad our planet used to be because by then we’ve all got keep cups and catch the bus so we clean n green baby.

Libby: If we live that long? maybe some species that went extinct, or what trees used to look like, or how we lived before the entire earth went underwater.

How do you think New Zealand would change if everyone, regardless of age, could vote?

George: Ha, that’s a huge question with a lot of different answers which are far too long for this interview. I bet a lot of candy would be free.

Libby: I feel like we would be a lot more forward thinking, but if we’re talking ALL ages here we might have a lot more hand puppets in government.

You’re 8 years old again, at New World with your mum before dinner. You’re allowed two things, what are you getting?

George: Alphabet jelly lollies for after dinner, fruit roll up for my lunchbox the next day.

PJ: Roll ups were the go back then, maybe the DJ Slushy cups Tip Top used to make.

Libby: A big box of strawberries and one of those worm on a string things they used to sell next to the magazines.

What artist or band do you always recommend when someone asks for a music recommendation?

George: Openside ;)

PJ: Harry Carter bass extravaganza.

Libby: Depends what vibe they’re looking for but honestly either Openside (not to be weird or anything) or Hayley Kiyoko.

As a kid, what did you think would be awesome about being an adult, but isn’t as awesome as you thought it would be?

George: Making my own decisions all the time.

PJ: Living in your own house. Parents telling you to switch your lights off, now I know why!

Libby: Choosing my own meals every day.

What would you tell Maybe Rave you?

George: Thank you for renaming the band.

PJ: Wtf is up with your hair cuts?

Libby: I would never tell myself anything, I never listen anyway.

What are you most excited about for the Openside show at Caroline this Friday?

George: Everything! It’s felt like forever since our show at The Hollywood back in April. Excited for the singing, dancing, pre show nerves and love in the air. Can’t wait.

PJ: Beehive, Wellington wind, can’t beat it etc. and NAAVY and Josie Moon!

Libby: I’m going with my friends and I’m really excited for them to see what I’ve been going on about!!! Also obvi very excited to finally see Openside live, I haven’t been able to yet and I’m so excited!!!

There are still tickets available for Openside’s headline show at Caroline with support from NAVVY and Wellington’s very own Josie Moon! Don’t miss out! Get tickets from Cosmic Ticketing and RSVP to the Facebook Event!

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